Friday, July 10, 2009

Back at Home

So, we're back at home. It's kind of strange. I miss the order and politeness of Japan. I miss the people, especially the many new friends we've made. I miss the food (yes, some of it!). There is so much to miss. I am happy we are safe at home with family and friends. I know that God has done some really cool stuff in Japan and it will continue beyond us. He is great and loves the Japanese people as much as He loves those of us who are American. He loves ALL people. He only wants us to love Him. Hopefully, we will have another opportunity to visit our other home. If it is not in God's plan, we certainly will continue to pray for Japan and its salvation, for the friends who are there praying and acting for that same goal. We are all blessed for the experience.


Friday, July 3, 2009


For those of you who celebrate, Happy Independence Day! It's early for you, but today is the 4th here. Yesterday (today for you US East-coasters) was spent prayerwalking at the Yazukuni Shrine and the Imperial Palace (please read Josh's comments on the group blog at It was incredible. There were so many folks at the shrine praying to the buildings and their dead. It is difficult to understand, but we continue to pray. As many bowed to their dead, we lifted our hearts and voices in prayer and praise to the Almighty God, who lives and reigns. We prayed for the people there and those who would continue to come. We prayed for their salvation and turning away from idol worshipping. As I read Psalm 24, I made the sign of the Cross up and down the very pathway that people walked to go to the shrine.

At the Imperial Palace, we prayed for many of the prefectures which were memorialized in stone around the moat (yes, they have a moat!). We prayed for the Christians who live there, for the missionaries who are bringing God's Word there, for new churches to be planted there and for all of the people who have yet to hear the Word.

Today, the rest of the team will be enjoying the company of many school kids at a LABO party. I will be visiting with my friend, Ikumi, and her family. I have not seen Ikumi since she visited me in the US 17yrs ago. This is a joyous occasion!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


On Monday (June 29th), we visited the site of several Buddhist temples and a Shinto shrine in Kamakura. We were in the midst of a spiritual battle, especially at the site of the "Big Buddha". We were overwhelmed by the emptiness and presence of evil. We prayed and prayer walked throughout. It was definitely a relief to know that God was protecting and sending us His healing balm.

Yesterday (June 30th), we visited Waseda University. We helped the Christian student program with their survey of students and their religious beliefs. It is amazing to know that so many have no faith whatsoever. Afterwards, we took a side trip to Ochanomizu. After prayerwalking the streets, we stopped in the Christian Center. It was good to be surrounded by the faithful.

Today we took the time for much needed R&R. Of course for those of you who know me, that means shopping! Some of us, took in the sights, or had adventures in train rides. Anna and I spent the day in the Mitaka shopping district near the train station or eki. It was fun. After laundry, dinner & reading through emails, it has been a long day. Of course, to those on the east coast in the US, it's just late morning! Tomorrow, we resume our prayerwalking. We'll be at the Imperial Palace and perhaps another site.

This has been an eventful trip. I am looking forward to visiting with a friend I haven't seen in 17yrs - before she had a husband and 3 kids! Lots of fun.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Full Weekend

Yes, it was a full weekend! If I tried to write about everything, I'd be up too late. It's already 12:20AM!

First, let me say this: Thanks to the wonderful folks of Saitama church and friends who welcomed us into their homes for homestays this weekend. We had an awesome time and got to see real life in Japanese homes. We also got to experience the love of God in action.

Saturday, Cheryl and I spent time with the Abe's, Miho-san and Masanori-san. They treated us like family. We had dinner with them at the Takano house. Lots of fun and good food, too! On Sunday, we attended the Saitama City International Church. This is clearly a Spirit filled church. The people were loving and welcoming. They honored us with a luncheon and we even attended the wedding of a church member. Afterwards, dinner at a nearby rotating sushi restaurant. Definitely cool! We spent the rest of the evening being silly. Hoolahoops and monkey ears, but that's a whole story in itself!

Now, you might wonder with all this fun, when do we pray? Unceasingly. We have prayed on the train, on the street, while driving through the center of Tokyo and in the park. We are ramping up for the next few days of focused and purposeful prayerwalking. We do expect spiritual warfare, but we have gathered our armor and have claimed victory for the lost souls in Japan. We know that God loves the Japanese people as He loves us all. We are here to let them know and by joining the battle for and with them. Please continue to pray for the people of Japan, the families who invited us Amerigaijin into their homes and hearts, pray for us and those who are praying for us. And finally, pray that we follow the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Cor 15:58 when he said, Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Glorious Day

We had a glorious day today. We spent time with the team heading north to Aomori in a couple of days. They will be building a church. They are 7 strong from PA. A great group of people who love the Lord. They are Kathie, Takashi, Warren, Steve, Rich, Al & Joe. Those they will be serving will be blessed by their spirits. They are awesome. We look forward to hearing more about their work, but especially just hearing from them. We love you guys!

Steve Weems gave an awesome presentation. He made the day fun, informative and God-driven. Thanks to you, Georgia, Ruth and all of the other folks whose names I won't remember, but whose
hearts we will never forget. We were learning more about the Japanese culture. Do's and don'ts. Phrases and ideas that will help us acclimate.

Our reason and purpose is to pray for the people of Japan. To love on them as Christ would and to obey His commission in Matt: 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ina]">[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We're Here!

Greetings from Japan!
We have arrived safe and sound. We're a little tired, but that was last night! Today is a new day (it's actually 6:13AM Fri morning- June 26). It's also my late grandfather's birthday.

Today begins our learning. We'll be studying today and on our way tomorrow. Still, just being in Japan is a learning experience. The sights, sounds and smells. All new. So much to absorb. We are beginning to gel as a group. Learning from and about each other. A journey in itself.

We had a minor mishap with a bit of lost luggage, but God is good. He will reveal His purpose in the experience in His time. Perhaps, the other person (who picked up the wrong bag) needed to know Him. What better way than to read someone's bible, which just happened to be in that bag! Anyway, we'll keep you posted. But again, a minor mishap.

In about 40mins, we'll be heading out. Continue to pray for us and the people of Japan.

Peace and Ohio goisaimasu (Good morning - forgive the spelling!)!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We're Off

This will be the last in country post. We're in the air tomorrow. Praying for old and new friends. For peace and for open hearts for God's love. For all who toil in the field, that they know their work is not in vain. For His work is no burden, but joy!

See you in the East!